What’s Right For Me?
There are 5 different types of hosting services: Personal Hosting, Business Hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting. Choosing between these hosting options is often difficult, with many different features to compare. No worries! Here’s a simple way to decide between the hosting choices. For this article we are going to use Beyond Hosting as an example, We host our blog with them.
Personal Hosting
Personal Hosting is a “shared hosting” environment. This means that your website will be on a server that will be hosting other Personal Hosting websites. The server resources will be split evenly between all Personal Hosting accounts. This means that attempting to use more than your “fair share” will result in degraded performance. This makes Personal Hosting suitable for low traffic websites, websites with little or no dynamic content (PHP scripts, Python scripts, etc.), and websites that are relatively small.
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Business Hosting
Business Hosting is also a “shared hosting” environment, but with extra features that Personal Hosting can’t support. This is mainly the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Static IP. SSL allows you to communicate securely over the Internet, performing financial transactions safely. This makes Business Hosting great for small merchants and businesses. Business Hosting also supports a Static IP, meaning that your website will be accessible anywhere throughout the world through a dedicated, unique address that is only yours. This improves rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing because you don’t share the IP with your shared hosting “neighbors” (other accounts on the same server). This makes Business Hosting indistinguishable from our dedicated products, but you are still sharing server resources.
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Virtual Private Servers
Virtual Private Servers offer all of the features of Business Hosting, and guarantee access to more powerful server resources. Virtual Private Servers put you in control of your own website and server by providing a fully customizable Linux server platform. While Virtual Private Servers do share the same physical server, like shared hosting environments, the number of websites-per-server is significantly lower, typically 25 for Virtual Private Servers but up to 1000 for shared hosting. Virtual Private Servers are a necessity for larger websites, websites with lots of dynamic content, or websites with larger disk space demands.
Dedicated Servers
Dedicated Servers are the ultimate in hosting. You are in full control of what the server is hosting, with direct access to all hardware. Dedicated Servers are typically configured to meet performance requirements, and can always be customized for specific applications. Unlike the shared hosting services Personal Hosting and Business Hosting, Dedicated Servers allow for customized services to run, such as a dedicated MySQL or PostgreSQL server to improve performance of heavyweight applications. Dedicated Servers provide the same interface as Virtual Private Servers, but with the additional advantages of more processor power, more RAM, more bandwidth, and more hard disk space.
Article Provided by: Beyond Hosting