This is just a quickie I hijacked off another web site but it came in really handy since a client couldn’t access their wordpress admin panel and we don’t really support it. Just log in to SSH or PHPMyAdmin and run the query that follows:
wp_options SET option_value = ” WHERE option_name = ‘active_plugins’;
*BOOM* no more WP plugins. Then if you’re troubleshooting it go through and reactivate till it breaks again. If not tell em they are on their own.
If you are doing this via SSH you will need to go into the MySQL shell. That can usually be done by typing “mysql” or “mysql -u username -p” and entering the password for the user. If you need this you can grab it from wp-config. After that you need to select the db to use. You do that by going:
mysql>use dbname_here;
This will put you into the appropriate db. Then you run the query above. This is of course assuming you’re using the default schema for naming the tables. If you are not wp_options needs to be changed to just “options” or schema_options as necessecary. If you don’t know what your schema is you can do:
mysql>show tables;