At work I had a client with a Debian system that needed a bunch of IPs added to it. Since it doesn’t really support ranges (at least that I can find) I came up with the following script.
#/bin/bash j=42 for i in {186..190} do j=$(expr $j + 1) echo auto eth0:$j >> interfaces; echo iface eth0:$j inet static >> interfaces; echo address 192.168.41.$i >> interfaces; echo netmask >> interfaces; done
How it works is that j is the last IP in the ranges currently set in the interfaces file. The address is defined in the script, and the range is defined in the i= section. Just change the numbers to match what you want, put this into /etc/networking, run it and restart networking. This is only for five IPs but you could do hundreds or thousands this way if it was the desired affect. Or you can use a distro that supports ranges :>